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Gender and Professional Career: The Feminization of Judges in China

The University of Pennsylvania Center for the Study of Contemporary China will host Sida Liu, an Assistant Professor of Sociology and Law at the University of Wisconsin-Madison to discuss the feminization of judges in China.

China, Russia, and the World Symposium

The University of Indiana Russian & East European Institute will host a symposium addressing Chinese and Russian involvements in Central Asia, exploring the consequences of these involvements for the region and tracing the motivations that have shaped the nature of relations between the Central Asian states, Russia, and China, from the Cold War into the present.

Fusion Friday: Royal Taste

USC Pacific Asia Museum hosts a special evening viewing of the new exhibit, Royal Taste.

The Social Process of Chinese International Migration to the US and Europe

Center for East Asian Studies University of Pennsylvania presents a discussion with Yao Lu.

Hong Kong-Mainland Relations

The National Committee on US-China Relations will host Hong Kong Secretary of Justice Rimsky Yuen Kwok-keung to discuss current Hong Kong-Mainland relations.

From Regional Power to Superpower, China and the World Under Xi Jinping

Columbia University's Weatherhead East Asia Institute and Institute for the Study of Human Rights present a lecture by Li Weidong, Visiting Scholar, Institute for the Study of Human Rights.

Television In China: Governmentality, Soft Power, & Nation Building

The University of Texas at Austin's Center for East Asian Studies presents a talk by Geng Song on the role of television in Chinese nation building.

Covering China: The Challenges of Reporting on the Rise of a Superpower

Mr. Wong will talk about topics he has covered since 2008, including Chinese politics, foreign policy, propaganda, the environment, human rights, ethnic conflict, and the art of reporting in the age of Xi Jinping.
