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Science and Technology

2016 California China Forum: The Collision between Chinese and American Culture and Technology Innovation

USC Chinese Student and Scholars Association co-hosts a forum that aims to present in-depth discussion about the linkage between Chinese culture and technology in Southern California and the U.S. market.

Rivers of Iron: Railroads and Chinese Power in Southeast Asia

Please join the USC U.S.-China Institute for a book talk with author David M. Lampton. His new book examines China’s effort to create an intercountry railway system connecting China and its seven Southeast Asian neighbors. 

Asia 2017: The Experts Forecast

Join Asia Society as it takes a moment at year’s end to peer into Asia’s future, and put some of its own experts on the spot: Evan Medeiros, Ruchir Sharma, Josette Sheeran, and others, moderated by Tom Nagorski.

Dean's Creative Talks: Asia Cities Initiative

The USC School of Architecture presents Li Hu, Lyndon Neri, Vanessa Cheung, Bryant Lu, and Sean Chiao in conversation with Dean Milton S. F. Curry.

Science and Technology in the U.S. and China

Discussion of science and technology, similarities and differences, both in the U.S. and China. 

Museums, Exhibitions and Digital Media

John T. Carpenter, Curator of Japanese Art, Metropolitan Museum of Art
Moderated by Haruo Shirane, Shincho Professor of Japanese Literature, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Columbia University; Chair of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Columbia University

Debate: "Should the United States severely restrict Huawei's business?"

 This event features a formal debate moderated by CSIS’s Scott Kennedy as well as the subsequent follow-up discussion with the participants and audience about the pros and cons of specific actions toward Huawei and the implications for US-China relations, American foreign policy, and the shape of the global economy. 

Meeting Rising Housing and Health Expectation

USC and Shanghai researchers met in the Shanghai Municipal Government headquarters to discuss housing and health care.
