
Chinese Religions Seminar

A Chinese Religion Seminar made available by the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies at Harvard University.

China Gallery

The University of Pennsylvania presents a gallery featuring Chinese art.

Prof. John Osburg: “Contemporary Han Chinese Devotees of Tibetan Buddhism Today”

The UC Santa Barbara Department of East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies presents a public lecture by Professor John Osburg of Syracuse University.

Chinese Islam, Islam in China: Four Centuries of a Eurasian Religious and Intellectual Dilemma

Eurasian Empires Seminar Series Lecture by Jonathan Lipman, Mt. Holyoke College

Signs from the Unseen Realm (Mingxiang ji): A Collection of Buddhist Miracle Tales from Early Medieval China

The UCLA Center for Buddhist Studies presents a talk by Robert Campany on the Buddhist miracle tales.

REL 479: Christianity in Asia

A new USC course in Fall 2017 that explores the Christianities, past and present, of Asia, including the Middle East, South, Southeast, and East Asia. 

Reflecting the Divine: A Cross-Cultural Look at Greece and China (2-Day Class)

The Getty Center hosts a discussion of religious expression in comparing Chinese and Greek objects.

Islam in China and Beyond: Connecting Asia with the U.S. and the Middle East

Dru Gladney, President of the Pacific Basin Institute at Pomona College discusses the rising inportance of Islam in Asia and China.
