
China's Turn Against Law

The Center for East Asian Studies at the University of Pennsylvania presents a lecture with Carl Minzner.

Resistance, Repression, Responsiveness: Workers and Change in China

The USC U.S.-China Institute presents a discussion with Manfred Elfstrom on the growing wave of labor unrest in China, the state's response, and the the long-term implications for both activists and the government. 

The Mongol Way: Administration, Justice, and Law in Qing Mongolia

The Harvard Yenching Institute hosts a talk with Erdenchuluu Khohchahar on the legal system for Mongolia during the Qing era.

Glocalization of Arbitration: A Legal and Cultural Analysis of Arbitration in China

A talk discussing the question: Is China showing signs of adaptation to the current trend of transnational arbi­tration? On the other hand, will the Chinese legal culture influence the practice of arbitration in the rest of the world?

The Case of Professor Xiaoxing Xi: Scapegoating Immigrants as National Security Threats

Join Professor Xiaoxing Xi, a Chinese American scientist falsely accused of espionage, and other community leaders as they examine how Chiense American scientists are being racially profield and scapegoated much as Japanese Americans were during World War II or Muslim Americans have been since September 11, 2001

The Social Influence of Chinese Lawyers and Its Development in the Last Three Decades

Talk by Mr. Peng Xuefeng, Chairman and Founder of Dacheng Law Offices

The Role of Foreign Human Rights Organizations in China

The East-West Center has organized a public talk that will discuss government self-censorship and examine the role of foreign human rights organizations inside China.

The Neighborhood Committee No.3 Archive: Primary sources on “Democratic Reform” in Lhasa 1959-60

The Columbia University Weatherhead East Asian Institute will host the event, "Primary sources on 'Democratic Reform' in Lhasa, 1959-60."

China’s New Environmental Actors: Understanding the roles of corporations, NGOs and prosecutors

UC Irvine's John S. and Marilyn Long U.S.-China Institute for Business and Law and The Center for Land, Environment, and Natural Resources present a workshop entitled "China's New Environmental Actors: Understanding the roles of corporations, NGOs, and prosecutors".

Opening Space for Civil Society in China: Can the "Soft" Power of the United States Help?

Catholic University School of Law at the National Press Club will host a discussion on US-China relations.
