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September 21, 1949

Opening address by Mao Zedong, Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party, at the First Plenary Session of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

August 5, 1949

Secretary of State Dean Acheson's view of China in August 1949.

December 25, 1946

The 1946 Constitution of the Republic of China (Taiwan).

September 9, 1945

This is order No. 1 of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek to the Japanese forces in China, excluding Manchuria, Formosa, and French Indo-China north of 16 degrees of north latitude, which were surrendered under the act of 9 September 1945. This order supplements the acts of surrender to the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers and his General Order No. 1.

September 2, 1945

Instrument of Surrender by Japan, September 2, 1945, Tokyo Bay

February 18, 1943


Mr. Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives of the United States:

December 7, 1941

Japanese Note to the United States, December 7, 1941,(Generally referred to as the "Fourteen Part Message.")

December 6, 1941

One day before the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor with 420 airplanes, President Franklin D. Roosevelt sent the following message to the Showa Emperor of Japan.

November 26, 1941

The text of the document handed by the Secretary of State to the Japanese Ambassador on November 26, 1941, which consists of two parts, one an oral statement and one an outline of a proposed basis for agreement between the United States and Japan.

June 16, 1924

Taiwan's national anthem
