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What's At Stake In Xinjiang

May 11, 2020

A symposium featuring a distinguished panel of specialists to discuss Uyghur beliefs and Chinese government policies in the region. 

TRA at 40: Shirley Kan discusses the enduring importance of America's Taiwan Relations Act

January 24, 2019

Shirley Kan is an independent specialist in Asian security affairs and a Retired Specialist in Asian Security Affairs for the U.S. Congress at the non-partisan Congressional Research Service (CRS).

Video: Pedro Loureiro on U.S. Naval Intelligence Assessments Of Prewar China And Japan

November 14, 2018

Pedro Loureiro provides an overview on his digital collection of primary sources highlighting the significant role played by Shanghai in support of the US Navy’s Intelligence process in pre-WWII Asia. This is the first in a lecture series titled "Los Angeles and Shanghai: The USC Nexus," co-organized by the USC East Asian Library and USC US-China Institute. 

观看 “中国牌:政治与政策”南加大美中学院十周年会议

November 16, 2017

观看 “中国牌:政治与政策”南加大美中学院十周年会议。本次会议在2016年9月29日于南加州大学丽笙酒店举办。

Stein Ringen Discusses His Book "The Perfect Dictatorship: China In The 21st Century"

July 31, 2017

Stein Ringen’s new book examines how China’s distinctive governmental system works and where it may be moving.

Video: Syaru Shirley Lin Examines Sino-Taiwan Relations

November 1, 2016

Syaru Shirley Lin examines the divergence between the development of economic and political relations across the Taiwan Strait and the oscillation of Taiwan’s cross-Strait economic policy through the interplay of national identity and economic interests.

Phillip Saunders Speaks at the China Card Conference

October 20, 2016

Phillip Saunders, Director of the Center for the Study of Chinese Military Affairs at the Institute for National Strategic Studies, spoke on the “Strategic Issues: Myths, Worries, and Choices” panel at the China Card conference on September 29, 2016.

Watch presentations from "The China Card: Politics vs. Policy," USCI's 10th Anniversary Conference

July 18, 2016

Watch presentations from the USC U.S.-China Institute's 10th anniversary conference. It was held on September 29, 2016 at the USC Radisson Hotel.

Video: “China policy is a subset of our Asia policy, and not the other way around” – Daniel Russel opens USCI “China’s Growing Pains” Conference

April 27, 2016

Assistant Secretary of State Russel delivered the 2016 Herbert G. Klein Lecture to open the USC U.S.-China Institute conference on “China’s Growing Pains.”

Andrew Scobell Discusses His Book "PLA Influence on China's National Security Policymaking"

March 23, 2016

Andrew Scobell seeks to assess the "real" relationship between the PLA and its civilian masters by moving beyond media and pundit speculation to mount an in-depth examination and explanation of the PLA's role in national security policy-making.
