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The Impact of the Olympics: Barbara J. Walkosz

March 27, 2009
Barbara J. Walkosz

Obama and China: Part 8 of Election '08 and the Challenge of China

October 6, 2008

Senator Barack Obama argues that cooperation with China is possible and necessary, but that the U.S.-China relationship is also plagued with serious problems epecially in the realm of trade. This segment of the USC U.S.-China Institute's documentary on China in the 2008 election looks at the issues highlighted by Obama and the policies advocated by his advisors.

The Big Picture: Part 1 of Election '08 and the Challenge of China

October 6, 2008

The opening segment of the USC U.S.-China Institute's documentary on U.S.-China relations and the 2008 election. Highlights existing and potential areas of conflict and cooperation.

Suisheng Zhao, University of Denver

March 27, 2007

Suisheng was a discussant for the U.S.-China Institute conference panel on “Prospects for Political Reform.”
