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Happy Holidays

It has been a busy year for the U.S.-China relationship, so be sure to catch up on all of our programming from it.
December 17, 2020

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2020 has tested all of us and certainly increased awareness of the importance and complexity of the U.S.-China relationship. We thank you for your participation this year and look forward to having you with us as we head into 2021.

It’s been a busy year, did you miss these programs or resources?

USC will close over the next two weeks, but in the meantime you may wish to give our China Life podcast a listen. Hear what it was like to create Tomorrowland for Disney in Shanghai, to become a leading consultant for the automobile industry in China, to report on business in China, to fight for human rights, and to look to better understand Chinese society.

We’ve hosted a wide range of public programs this year, which you can now view via our website and YouTube channel.

We began 2020 by looking at Taiwan’s election. Other programs focused on the history of protests in Hong Kong and the central government’s efforts to strengthen control over the region. We discussed the U.S. Justice Department’s China Initiative with the official who leads it and with two scholars who are critical of how it does or could work in practice.  

We looked at social media’s continued importance in China and the popularity of short videos from rural Chinese. Several programs looked at business in China, including venture capital and the exploding fintech sector. Human rights was the focus of programs with legal scholar Teng Biao and specialists on Xinjiang. Multiple programs examined trade policy and the trade war and China’s efforts to extend its reach via the Belt and Road Initiative and other programs. Other events looked at the experiences of migrant workers in China’s economic rise and U.S.-China public health efforts and responses to covid-19.  One of our last programs was a discussion with director Hao Wu of his film, 76 Days, which takes us inside Wuhan intensive care units during the lockdown. 

Through our newsletter and infographics we’ve sought to open windows into the U.S.-China relationship. Despite the pandemic, our students have continued to produce US-China Today with feature articles and interviews looking at environmental issues, social credit systems, digital currency, wedding garments, megabudget films, the Belt and Road Initiative in Cambodia, the evolution of rap in China, conceptions of beauty, gay love in pop culture, how the pandemic and visa fears affected students from China and much more.

USCI also worked with nearly 700 K-12 teachers this year in various seminars and workshops. We’re helping them bring East Asia alive for their students.

As always, we love to hear from you. Please send your comments to us via email or social media. Please take care. U.S.-China relations will only continue to grow in importance in 2021. We will remain focused on what’s at stake for all of us. Please help us by bringing in others and, if you can, by donating to our efforts.
Happy Holidays!
USC U.S.-China Institute 

